Saturday, October 30, 2021

Bless The Lord with all that is within me.

 This morning I woke up with the thought of a verse:    Bless the Lord O my soul and all the is with in me.

My soul has to praise the Lord not my lips only.My praises have to come from within, the bottom of my heart.

What is in the bottom of my heart, I pondered. I know my heart and soul stores up innumerable stuff from the past.incidents , words experiences and relationships. 

         “ All that is with in me “ contains  such experiences and remembrances of them

Remembering sad hurtful things are not only harmful it generates bitterness , resentment, anger and sorrow.

Doctors say the cause of most depression is the things stored and harboured within  heart.

I cannot praise God with all my heart and soul truthfully and reap fullness of joy as a result with such things in y heart.

Not only the past, our prest troubles,