Saturday, October 30, 2021

Bless The Lord with all that is within me.

 This morning I woke up with the thought of a verse:    Bless the Lord O my soul and all the is with in me.

My soul has to praise the Lord not my lips only.My praises have to come from within, the bottom of my heart.

What is in the bottom of my heart, I pondered. I know my heart and soul stores up innumerable stuff from the past.incidents , words experiences and relationships. 

         “ All that is with in me “ contains  such experiences and remembrances of them

Remembering sad hurtful things are not only harmful it generates bitterness , resentment, anger and sorrow.

Doctors say the cause of most depression is the things stored and harboured within  heart.

I cannot praise God with all my heart and soul truthfully and reap fullness of joy as a result with such things in y heart.

Not only the past, our prest troubles, 

Thursday, June 10, 2021

                                  visit to see a friend at the      .

Last evening My daughter Roshani, her husband and our dear brother in the Lord,Jack Kaleel, went to visit Sister Bertha at the  
I remembered a former visit to such a place to see another  elderly christian friend of our. She was seated having a her nice supper and spoke to us happily .Her grand son also came with us . She was hopeful and had no complains. She said she will be allowed to go home in a day or two . But she went to her eternal home in two days. She was in her late eighties.  being the wife of a pastorand mother of a pastor' her talk and  was full of hope and joy.She was ready to die I thought.
 Sister Bertha was  in her seventies . she has had a  rough life . A mother of seven children . Some not doing that well too. As h we were told that she had cancer which had spread to all parts of her body and  she will not survive long, I expected to see her  weak, and anxious. Contrary to my expectation, she looked wel, fresh young looking , peaceful and happy.She did not speak of her illness at all. Instead she said she was very happy to see us. She sang hymns with us . she even sarted the songs!
we sand and prayed
While we were thre her medication  and her supper were brought. The nurse who brouht them were all smiles and plesant. The whole atmospher was a ver clean, happy and plesant one . she said that they herd  the  sweet singinging.
All these gave me a very peaceful and happy feeling. I was totally blessed. So many happy thoughts passed my mind. .We spoke about how sister Bertha was most of the time burdened and sick when we met her in the church. She faced each chil's and her husband home and financial problems. but how peaceful and happy she was in such a beautiful surrounding ,being looked after by angelic happy people in her last few days. Hope and joy was beaming in her face. .
This a much coveted blessing of God ,I thought. To be a blessing to the people who visit you  , with out a word of murmur or complait is  a truly a pleasing attitude I thought.I prayed and whished for such an attitude.
Yes it is the Lord's doing. What He has done for others He will do for you I told my self as I praised and prayed that night.
Another conversation asl we had as we were returning: What a great thing our Canadian Government is doing to provide such a home like place for the terminally ill. ! My son in law said we should happily pay our taxes , since it is put such good use.!
In all it the mercy of God to look after His children who trusted their life with Him.
Again it is God's mercy and blessing to speak to  me of his goodness and to give me the desire to love trust and draw close to Him. Lord make me a blessing to some one today, I pray. In your presence ther is fulness of joy. fill me with your presence so that I'll be full of your joy that is contagous.
I am writing this in  October 2020!   How times have changed since I wrote my last blog!

I am aged. With age I have become shorter in height.  My Situations have changed. ,

World itself has changed ! 

All of us know it is lock down days due to corona. No church gatherings like before.  No more visiting friends or relatives. It is entirely a different world altogether.

Hearts of the people are filled with fear of getting infected with this new kind of virus .
So many restrictions by the state. 
Christians expecting the secrect rapture taking place any time!

            For us who believe in a true living unchanging God , there is hope. Hope of safety and protection!
I am constantly reminded of the verse  in Timothy” Gods has not given to us the spirit of fear , but of love and of power and a sound mind”.  What a great promise ! Again Psalms 91and 121 give us a sure promise for protection.   So as Christians our responsibility is to focus on this promise keeping Jesus, get closer to Him daily and look up for  ourredemption  is drawing near.

       A caution:     The enemy , the deceiver, Satan  is continually seeking to divert our eyes from our Lord and master, our soon coming king. Beware!

         His time is up. Our redemption is at hand. Let us hold on to the hand of our promise keeper , our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ!




Acceptable sacrifice

                   The acceptable sacrifice

Yesterday during the phone prayer time our group discussed ‘the sacrifice that

is acceptable to God’   Cain’s and Able’s sacrifices were taken as examples..

The two brothers, the sons ofAdam and Eve took their  sacrifices. We read about it in Genesis 4th chapter. Abel  a shepherd gave a blood sacrifice of a lamb and Cain  a farmer , from the produce of his garden. God accepted Abel’s and rejected Cain’s. the end result was Cain became angry and commied the first ever murder.

We discussed why was Abel’s sacrifice accepted and Cains rejected.

Bible says, (Gen4:4)  “ The Lord had respect unto Abel and his offering but Cain’s He did not have respect”

Several reasons were discussed to learn how an acceptable sacrifice should be given.

This discussion kept me thinking about myself. God expects me to give sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving . When we come to Him ,We should give sacrifice of joy from a clean heart  along with other material sacrifices of tithing , giving of alms, helps, prayng for others etc. Good; we do it . I do it.  what is our attitude at that time.

I examined myself . Many times my prayer , meditation ,praise and thanksgiving and various offerings are done as a duty. IHOP’s to  do it. During Prayer time  I have to pray for others is the the thought that sometimes goes in my heart. I rush and go through it. God expects me to spend time at His feet. Commune with Him so that I develop a close relationship with Him. Rushing through and doing it like’ a must do ‘ thing will not be an acceptable sacrifice to God.

 I repented and decided that in future with God’s help all what I  ‘do’, offer unto the Lord , will be from a clean heart with joy’ Lord help me to delight in your presence !

My this morning’s special thought.

Indescribable beauty!  The beauty of Jesus. 

      “You are beautiful beyond description, too marvellous for words, too wonderful for comprehension that nothing ever seen or heard,” I sing this often

The song goes on:

“Who can fathom Your infinite wisdom, who can.know    the   depth   Of your love , you are beautiful beyond description , majesty enthroned above.

 I stand in awe of you, Holy God.”

The beauty of Jesus is His character.. It is not His physical handsomeness.

I know prophet Isiah said ,” He had no form or comeliness. We turned our faces away from looking at Him”.

It is His character that attracts us to Him. That is the beauty of Jesus .

Selfless as He is, He wants me and all of us to be like Him.

To attain this great ambition of His. He did not hesitate to sacrifice himself on the cross,dipised, forsaken by all even by the Father God!

If this isn’t love , then what is true love ? I wondered.


      The above were my thoughts as I woke up this morning.

Today it is  June 2021, the covid year.The whole earth is filled with several kinds of fears , loneliness ,defeat and dread! 

To be reminded of the beauty , the love and the call of Jesus to come to Him for protection, embrace and solace fills my heart with joy. Thank you Jesus.

‘What can I give you in return?   I surrender myself to you . Mould me and make me like you Lord. I want to wak with you like Enoch of old and be caught up with you when you come to take me home’,. I whispered to Jesus.

I sang ‘Jesus I love you, I know thou art mine, 

For thee all the pleasures of sin  sincerely from my heart.

I  know there is eternity waiting . I want to be with Him over there.

In the meanwhile let me spend my time praying for others , serving you in anyway possible,and preparing myself to be with Him.

I know you love me.Thank you for your love , peace and mercy.

Holy God