Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Who Is Worthy?

In apostle John's vision , he heard a voice calling out who is worthy? No answer. There was no one worthy enough to break the seals and open the scroll that was in the hands of the Lord.There was sorrow in heaven. Dismay! John began to weep as there was no one in heaven or on earth to open it. Yes not even in heaven!
Then came the lamb of God.Jesus Christ! Only He was worthy!It was no one else but our Jesus Christ!
A shout of joy. There was some one![ Rev 5:i-14]
How did He become worthy? by His obediece. His sufferings and how He went through it . He suffered not because any of his fault. He went through patienly, Quietly,,willingly, without complaining, for the redemption of you and me.His blood was drained from his body, so that my sins could be washed away and I'll be set free from the cluches of the enemy

As I read this I was full of awe . My heart was filled with greatfullness for what Jesus has done for me.'To save a wretch like me!' Not only we are called to be His bride and coheirs with Him but also to reign with Him! What a high and majestic calling!

I am I worthy? Are we worthy?

We shoud be like Him to become worthy. I read the scriptures that said of His suffering. ,He endured humiliation In His humiliation He was deprived of justice[acts8:33] He made himself nothing. taking the form of a servant. [[Ph2:7,8].He was mocked, revlled and crucified. He obeyed , suffered and died patiently, humbly and lovinly. He rose again and is alive today to help us.

I thought of What the psalmist said in the 15th chapter:
"Lord who may live in your Holy hill?" The answere was:
He whose walk is blameless and who does what is righteous,Who speaks the truth from his heart and has no slander on his tongue, who does his neighbourno wrong, and cast no slur on his fellowmen, who dispises a vile man but honours those who fear the Lord,who keeps his oath even when it hurts,who lends his money withoutusury,and doesnot accept a bribe against the innocent.
He who does these things will never be shaken."

Who can reach such a standard? is another question that rises in our minds. We fail so many times but thanks to Jesus, we could ask forgiveness.He won the victory for us on Calvary, just to make us like Him. His pure charecter to be formed in us.
When we go to Him just as we are He will clean us and make us worthy. He will help us to grow to His character, by His grace.
We need not be dismayed .He is able to do it if we trust and have faith in Him
This is His calling for each one of us : To reign with Him.The one who was found worthy to break open the scroll If we suffer with Him we shall be made worthy to reign with Him.
I praise God for this great high calling!

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