Wednesday, February 20, 2008

A Secure Position

"I have set the Lord always before me. Because He is at my right hand I shall not be moved [shaken]"
Psalm 16:8

What a strong, positive affirmation! Setting the Lord "before me" is focusing on Him or seeking His face or help, approval or affirmation in every situation.

It is human nature to focus on the problem, the person who caused it or to concentrate on the solution. Believers and unbelievers experience pain, trouble and failure. At times those who do not know God tend to have a sense of hopelessness about life and confusion about their purpose on earth. If God is put first in everything, we will be able to see the situation from His point of view. His values will prevail in our decisions. The conviction of the "holy, impartial, perfect God who always wants the best for me" will keep us from doubts.

We could move ahead confidently with what we know is right because we know that God will keep us from being moved off from His chosen plan or shaken. God's plan is always the best. So remember to set the Lord ALWAYS before you!

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