Tuesday, December 30, 2008

God's Will Is Always The Best

"If I will that he tarries till I come, what is that to you. You follow me." [John 21:22]When Jesus revealed about his end, Peter asked ' what about him' [referring to John] Jesus' answer was 'If I want him to remain alive until I return, what is that to you? You follow me.' Peter was told not to be concerned about God's will for others.

Often we tend to compare ourselves with others,whether to rationalize our own level of devotion to Christ or to question God's justice. Jesus tells us also the same thing: 'You follow me'
My concern should be, am I doing God's will and am I following Jesus the way He wants me to follow Him.

God has a plan and purpose for each one of us Each one is different in nature. But all of us are expected to come to the knowledge of the love of Christ and reach out to conform to His character. Perfect in holiness.That is the expected standard.Perfection comes to each one at different levels in different areas. Like a building, we are all under construction. We ought to just follow His leading.That is God's will for you and me.

Prayer is essential to attain this.As We too should pray as David prayed: [Psalms.143:10] 'Teach me to do your will, for you are God. Your spirit is good. Lead me into the land of righteousness.'

Doing God's will or desiring and asking God to show His will, will establish a divine relationship.Jesus said' For whoever will do the will of my father which is in heaven, the same is my my brother, sister and mother'[Mt.12:50]
Christ is the perfect example of doing God's will: Just before the betrayal He prayed,'O my father if this cup may not pass away from me except I drink it, Thy will be done'.What a surrender of his own will to the will of his father's!

I prayed: Lord I pray like you. I do not know what the out come of all these things that are taking place. It is scary. I step out depending on you.I know acting according to your will , will bring peace and joy. Your wisdom is the best for me. There is no one else greater than you Lord. You are able to see me through in any situation.Your wisdom is the best for me.

I decided and wrote the letter as the Holy spirit prompted me to write and went on reading God's word.

Doing God's will tends to spiritual knowledge. " If any man will do his will he shall know the doctrine whether it be of God or whether I speak of myself' Jesus said
Doing God's will should not be with eye service as pleasing men. It should as servants of Christ, doing the will of God from the heart.'[ Eph 6:6]
When we take one step to do His will, He works in us to make us the kind of people who will please Him. He equips us to do the kind of work that will please Him.
Doing God's will should be the rule of everyday life. James 4:15 says 'For that you ought to say If the Lord will , we shall live and do this or that.'

It gave me much hope and joy when I read 2nd John2:17' The world and it's desires pass away, but the man who does the will of God lives for ever.
A prayer rose from me: Lord help me to desire and always do what ever is your will for me.

The Lord gave me this on the 28th December 2008 at5AM. As I surrendered my will to the Lord and wrote the letter that the Lord prompted me to write, a joy that I am pleasing the Lord filled me. I praise God for it.

Friday, December 19, 2008

The Birhday Boy Is missing

People are preparing for a grand Christmas celebration. Though buying of gifts, organizing parties and dinners, the time and energy spent, and the expense involved, wear them out, they some how look forward to the excitement that is awaiting them. The thought of feasting and dancing with friends spur them up despite the difficulties they face today.

I am reminded of a story I heard: It was a fabulous birthday party. It was well organized . Any one could see that much money and time had been devoted to make it so grand. The choice invitees were from the rich and famous class. Compliments were being given lavishly to the hostess. Greetings and laughter thrilled the every one.

Suddenly one of the guests asked, 'Where is the birthday boy? I saw him as a baby. I can't believe he is one year old today.'
'Oh we left him with the baby sitter. Can we have a good time if he is here?'
'Quite true.' Her friend agreed. " You did a wise thing." Both of them emptied their wine glasses and went to get a stronger drink, little realizing that the baby's birthday was the reason for that grand party!.

Our Christmas celebrations should not be like this party. Let us have Jesus in the midst of our celebrations. It will prevent us from including things that He does not approve of in our parties.

It is a good opportunity to introduce Jesus Christ to our friends.

Let us remember to include Jesus, who is the reason for the season in all that we do during these festive days this year.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Instruction For The Youth

I read Proverbs 7th Chapter this morning. I thought of the Young men and women of today. Most of them go with the flow of the culture, where sexual sins are accepted. It says, there are no absolutes. Every one does whatever pleases oneself. It is sad that they fail to realize how they lose their purity of life and eternal life by following this kind of culture.

The word of God says, " Keep my words and store up my commands and you will live" [Pro.7:1]
Some of the verses reminded me of our youth: " I saw among the youth a young men who lacked wisdom.[Pro.7:7] Then the author talks of how a woman seduces this young man ." all at once he followed her like an ox going to the slaughter, like a deer stepping into the noose till an arrow pierces his liver, like a bird darting into a snare, little knowing it will cost his life."[Pro.7:22-23] How sad!

A person who has no purpose in life is simple minded like this young man. Easily swayed. An empty life with out God, is unstable and vulnerable to many temptations.

There are definite steps one can take to avoid sexual sins:
(1) Guard your mind. Don't read books, look at pictures or movies, or encourage fantasies that stimulate wrong desires.
(2) Keep away from settings and friends that tempt you to sin.
(3)Don't think only of the moment; focus on the future. Remember, today's thrill may lead to tomorrow's ruin.
Paul gave a sound advise to young Timothy." flee the evil desires of youth and pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace along with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart."2nd Tim. 2:22] He clearly says, what to avoid and whom to associate with and what to seek after earnestly.

I was reminded how in my young days I tried to keep myself. 'These are not those days', is the argument of the youth of today. They forget, it is the same devil of those days that is lureing them and it is the same unchanging Holy God who is warning them, and it is He who is able to keep them. The eternity is the same for people of any age!

I was sad to think of the way the devil has blinded the eyes of our children. It is high time we pray for their eyes to be opened to reality and truth.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Celebration Is Good

" Mordecai recorded these events and sent letters to all the Jews, -----near and far to have them celebrate the 14th and 15th days of the month of Adar, the time when the Jews got their relief from their enemies, when their sorrows were turned into joy and their moaning into a day of celebration. He wrote them to observe the days of feasting and joy and giving presents of food to one another and gifts to the poor.' [Esther9:20-22]

Thus the celebration of Purim stared among the Jews. Any one who has read the book of Esther will know how Haman plotted to exterminate the Jews and how through the courageous intervention of Esther, they were saved and the enemy was destroyed. It is a fascinating story.

The deliverance was so wonderful that the Jews had a great celebration. Mordecai, [Esther's uncle who was encouraging Esther] wanted the people to celebrate this event annually. Even today it is being celebrated. Mordecai put down the reason for the celebration, so that the people will celebrate it meaningfully. He knew that people tend to have short memories when it comes to God's faithfulness! Then the celebrations become hollow and meaningless and the blessing is lost.

The Christmas celebration has so much in common to Purim . Today the whole world is celebrating Christmas, to remember the birth of our savior Jesus Christ.[ Although the date 25th of December is not exact, it is a historical fact the Jesus was born during that time] Some do not even know the reason for the celebrations. Christ is sometimes not even in the scene. The Santa, the rain deer, the Christmas tree, gifts, food, cakes, lights and decorations are given much prominence that the spiritual significance is completely lost.

Yet the fact remains that, it is the birth of Jesus Christ, who is able to set us free from sin and it's consequences, free us from all burdens and give us eternal life and joy.
The story is recorded in the gospels by Christ's disciples. It is good for us to read it to refresh our memories of this wonderful birth of our Lord and savior. If we celebrate this Christmas meaningfully, then Christ will be born in our hearts, so that the joy of Christmas will continue through out our life even to eternity.

Like Mordecai, let us remind every one the reason for our celebration!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Grace, The Source Of power

"Be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus"[2nd Timothy2:1]

It is sad that there are so many weak Christians in the body of Christ today . They are offended over something or other and hurt. what we need is the grace of Jesus Christ.

Grace is such a beautiful word. It means unmerited favor. It also means being able to bear up or go through situations which are normally unbearable and difficult. Grace comes only from God.

What is the grace that is in Jesus Christ? God's love towards humanity made Christ Jesus, give up Heaven, come down to Earth as a man, take all the punishment of the sinful humans upon Himself and die the cruel death on the cross, just to bring salvation to us. By this He reconciled the sinful humanity to the Holy God. All this He did for us, not because we deserved it. We were yet sinners, unwilling to to live the way the holy God's laws said. He need not have done that. That love and willingness to suffer for no wrong of His, just to set us free from the clutches of the enemy, who made us sin against God and others , is Christ's grace toward us.
He had to humble Himself. He was selfless.

It is because of the grace that He showed to you and me, today we are saved . We have the assurance that we will spend eternity with this savior in heaven. It is freely granted to any and every one who comes to Him believing in his sacrifice of grace. God tells us, 'I will remember your sins no more,' when we repent and ask forgiveness. It is because of what Christ Jesus did to reconcile us to the holy God!

To be strong in the grace of Christ Jesus, we should be able to show the same grace to those who wrong us, offend or hurt us. Forgive them unconditionally just as Christ forgave. It calls for humility and unselfishness. Forgiveness and grace say to the offender,' I forgive you with out demanding back anything.' Hurt says, 'you hurt me I am going to somehow punish you for it.'
Being unable to bear up or forgive the wrongs of others makes us weak. It gives the enemy a chance to enter into our lives.[2nd Cor.2:10-11] The result will be hardheartedness leading to sin and deception.

Showing the same grace that Christ Jesus showed us will make us soft righteous and pleasing to God which will destroy the power of the enemy over us.
There is strength in Forgiveness and grace.
Hate, unforgiveness and revenge are the enemy's strongholds. Kindness, love and forgiveness will bring them down. God reconciled us to him through Jesus Christ and has given us the ministry of reconciliation. [2nd Cor.5:18] It is essential to have the grace of Jesus Christ to do this ministry.
It is not easy to develop this nature by ourselves. God has given us the holy Spirit to help us out. By the Holy spirit God's love is shed into our hearts. When we are filled with God's love we can love and show mecy and grace even to our enemies.

' Lord help us to be like Jesus, full of grace to forgive, to set others free and for us to be free.' I pray.

Are You Strong In The Lord?

" Finally, be Strong in the Lord and in His mighty power" [ Ephesians.6:10 NkJ] This is a sound advise to us, the Christians, to keep the enemy, the devil, away from us.

Paul begins the verse with the word, ' finally' after teaching about how the children, the parents , the employers and the employees should behave to be pleasing to the Lord by obeying God's commands to them. [Eph.6:1-9] Being diligent to obey what ever the Lord says, is an essential requirement to have victory over the enemy.

There are times we feel distort and weak spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically. It is just the right time for the enemy to attack and defeat us. I had such a moment yesterday. I went to the Lord and He strengthened me with His word.

He said,' Be strong in the lord and in the power of His might' I searched the scriptures for more 'food' to strengthen me. The following scriptures helped me much:
'Be strong therefore and let not your hands be weak, for your work shall be rewarded.' [11chron.15:1] There are so many scriptures like this to strengthen us.

I meditated on our God's power and strength too. Psalms 62:11 says, ' God has spoken and twice have I heard that power belongs unto the Lord.'

I came to the conclusion, when I have such an a mighty God as my friend and savior, I can face anything with boldness. I was happy to read what Paul wrote to the Ephesians, 'I pray, that out of His glorious riches, He may strengthen you with power through His Spirit in your inner being. What a prayer! I said, ' Amen!', to it.

I wonder if you know this God who strengthens us when we are weak? Have you experienced the Holy Spirit who revives and refreshes us when we feel dry. If you have that experience, I praise God with you.
If not , I wish to tell you that, you can have it just by asking God sincerely for it, in the name of Jesus. He will gladly lead you into it.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Who Is Your Friend?

Despite the many avenues to keep oneself occupied and not feel lonely, the humans crave for companionship and friendship.We were not created to be loners. The internet, the television and the movies cannot supply the affection, compassion, or the human touch that people naturally long for. We need friends. The word of God gives us guide lines as to with whom to associate.

King David, whom many would have befriended said, 'I am a friend to all who fear you and all who follow your precepts.'[Psalms.119:63] This gives us a sound guide as to the choice of friends.

A friend is some one to whom you run for counsel or comfort. In times of adversity or prosperity a true friend is with you. Hours of leisure and entertainment become enjoyable when shared with friends. No wonder David desired to have some one who honored God, His words and laws as his friends. He did not want his friends to be of the world . Such friends would lead him away from God. He cherished his relationship with God.

Paul writing to the Corinthians said, 'I have written in my letter not to associate with sexually immoral people.'He did not mean the people of this world, who are immoral or greedy, and swindlers or idolaters. In that case you will have to leave the world. He adds,' But now I am writing to you that you must not associate with any one who calls himself a BROTHER but is sexually immoral or greedy, an idolater or a slanderer, a drunkard or a swindler, with such a man do not even eat.'[1stCor.5:9-11] What strong words of advice!

Here Paul makes it clear that we should not disassociate with unbelievers. How are we to show Christ and His light to them and bring them to Christ if we keep away from them? We are to distance our selves from those who claim to be Christians yet indulge in sins which are clearly forbidden in the scripture and rationalize their actions. Such are deceived. By rationalizing they not only harm others for whom Christ died but also dim the image of God in themselves.

Associating with such is forbidden because it defiles us and may reduce the desire we have for holiness. Even the church where they are is in peril: Their conduct will distort the picture of Christ that the Church is expected to present to the world. It the duty of the Church leaders to correct or deal with them in love Our duty is not to have friendly fellowship with them but to pray for them in love.

May the Lord help us to be prudent in the choice of our associates and friends.

The Rescue Of The Godly

" The Lord knows how to rescue godly men from trials and hold the unrighteous for the day of judgment, while continuing their punishment." [2nd Peter2:9 NKV]

Many do not want to talk of judgment or punishment. How can a loving God punish, they say.

Others who try to lead a life pleasing to God, believe that there is chastisement and later a day of judgment, fear how they will fare on that day.

When the word of God says something, it is always absolutely true.

Apostle Peter quotes some instances from the past to prove this.: " If God did not spare angels when they sinned, but sent them to hell, putting them into gloomy dungeons to be held for judgment;
If He did not spare the ancient world, when He brought the floods on the ungodly people, but protected Noah, a preacher of righteousness, and seven others;
If He condemned the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah by burning them to ashes, and made them an example to what is going to happen to the ungodly; and if He rescued Lot, a righteous man, who was distressed by the filthy lives of lawless men- [for that righteous man, living among them day after day, was tormented in his righteous soul by the lawless deeds he saw and heard]

- If this is so, then the Lord knows how to rescue godly men from trials and to hold the unrighteous for the day of judgment, while continuing their punishment. This is specially true of those who follow the corrupt desire of the sinful nature and despise authority." [2nd Peter2;10

It is good for us to live in such a way to escape the judgment of God and to trust God to make a way of escape from all that comes upon the unrighteous ones.

Our God is holy, good and righteous. He is merciful and just. So Let us trust Him and run the race with his guidance.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Hearing Ears

What do you hear? What do you want to hear? How do you hear? What do you do with what you hear. These were some of the questions that came to my mind this morning.

One could want to hear only positive things. Others some gossip. No one wants to hear anything bad or negative.
There are anxious and eager hearers and uninterested careless hearers. Some want to hear the opinion of people, others love to hear from God. What we hear could do us good if it transforms us and makes us happy or it could ruin us, if it creates hatred or panic.

God wants us to have hearing ears to hear from Him. I meditated on some of the bible verses on the spiritual hearing of the believers.

'Blessed is the man that hears me and watching daily at my gates, waiting at the posts of my doors'{ Pro.8:34] It is a daily duty of a believer to listen eagerly to what the Lord is saying. If I do it I will be blessed.

The Lord may want to say things to correct me some times. 'The ear that hears the reproof of life abides among the wise.' [Pro.15:31] Only an unwise person will shun the disapproval and the reprove of the all wise loving God our father. He wishes you and me to be holy and true like Him . so in his love He shows our faults. I lke to say, he who listens to a life giving rebuke will be at home with the wise.

We hear God's voice when we go to church. 'Keep your foot when you go to the house of God, and be more ready to hear, than to give the sacrifice of fools: for they consider not that they do evil'

The best attitude is, to be able to say, 'Lord I have heard thy speech and was afraid: O Lord revive thy work in the midst of the years. In the midst of the years make known; In wrath remember mercy. [Hab.3:2] This will be our cry if we have true hearing ears.

The right kind of hearing will bring a godly fear, a spiritual quickening, a revival, a revelation and a longing to seek God's mercy.

James says, 'Wherefore, my beloved brothers, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak slow to wrath.' [James 1:9] It is sad but true some prefer to hear things that pleases them. They gather around teachers, what their etching ears want to hear, not sound doctrine. Thus they turn away from the truth and turn aside to myths.{2nd. Tim.4:3&4] No wonder there there is so much of falling away from the true churches and so much of diluted doctrines that there is no distinction between the people of God and the pagans in their behavior.

What the believers are expected to do is, '---having heard the word, keep it and bring forth fruit with patience.' ]Luke8:15] 'These are they which are sown on the good ground; such as hear the word and receive it and bring forth fruit, some thirty fold, some sixty, some hundred.'[Mark4:20]

Lord help us be not only hears but doers of your word. Help us hear the right way and benefit by it, is my prayer for you, me and all other God's children

Sunday, November 16, 2008

God of Peace and the Peace of God

The situations we face in today's world, brings disquiet, fear and turmoil within us. It is nothing but natural if the God of peace is not in us.

I wondered how to keep the peace within us . The Lord reminded me of a verse from the Bible.

" Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God, and the peace of God which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus."[Ph.4:6]

If we just give the matter that worried us to God in prayer and in faith thank Him for what He is going to do about it, He will take the responsibility of guarding our hearts and minds. Then we will be free from panic or worry even in very bad circumstances. We ourselves will wonder at the God given peace. It is a peace that passes all understanding and all misunderstandings. It comes by handing the matter into God's hand , leaving it with Him and praising Him in faith that He knows to handle it .

It is the God of peace or His presence with us that gives us this kind of peace.

The bible also tells us how to keep the God of peace with us: " Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable -if anything is excellent or praiseworthy, think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you."[Ph.4:8]
If the God of peace is with us, we will be in peace with God and others, have peace in every situation at all times and promote and spread peace.

God of peace help us to have you always with us, is my prayer.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The Blessed Seniors!

The other day we visited a seniors' home. We 'entertained ' them by singing. We prayed that the gospel songs would touch their hearts, as they were nearer to the grave than us, because of age, [though death could come to anyone at any time] and they should be ready to meet the Lord.

All of them were in their wheel chairs. Some enjoyed the singing, some joined in, some were absorbed in their own thoughts and others were indifferent. My thought was: What a blessed thing to know the Lord before we become incapable of thinking properly! Yet it is never too late for the mercy of God to meet anyone and bring them to salvation. The Holy spirit will do the work if we pray for them.

The very next day I read of two great seniors, who were part of Jesus' infancy. Luke 2:25-27 tells of the righteous and devout seniors, Simeon and Anna. Simeon was waiting for the consolation of Israel. The Holy Spirit was upon him. It had been revealed to him that he would not die before he had seen the Lord's Christ.' He must have spent time in the scriptures and in prayer, to get such a revelation!

Moved by the Holy Spirit he went into the temple courts and waited for Mary , Joseph and the baby to arrive. I am amazed at the way the Holy Spirit led him! When they came to dedicate the baby, Simon took baby Jesus in his arms and and praised God and said, 'Sovereign Lord, as you have promised, now dismiss your servant in peace, for my eyes have seen the salvation which you have prepared in the sight of all people. A light, for revelation to the gentiles and for glory to your people Israel. Then he prophesied and said to Mary, 'This child is destined to cause the falling and rising of many in Israel and a sign that will be spoken against, so that the thoughts of many hearts will be revealed and a sword will pierce your own soul too'. [Luke2:33-35] What an amazing accurate prophesy!

Simeon died , the way he desired and prayed, but we have seen his prophesy being fulfilled!

The other Senior was Anna, a widow of 84 years. She had lived with her husband for only 7 years! but served the Lord for 77 years! She was called a prophetess as she was close to God: With fasting and prayers she attended upon the sanctuary. She also spoke of the baby to all those who looked for redemption in Jerusalem. Unlike now, they respected these elders and their words. Their words were recorded for us to read even today.

Surely God would have accepted their sincere prayers. As they blessed the baby with their whole heart, they would have been blessed by God.

What a contrast to some of the seniors of today!

I would like to be a contented praying , useful and blessed senior.

What about you, when you become old.? Prepare yourself now by getting close to God now, then your old age will be a blessing to others.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Life Purpose -Donation

Donation is the third duty and purpose of our life. Donation does not only mean giving out money or stuff to the needy with out expecting any return .

It has a deeper spiritual meaning: God has given us so many things. It is He who has given us this very life. Bible says, ' either you give or you lose your life.' " who ever wants to save his life shall lose it but whoever loses his life for me, shall find it". [Mat.16:25] We have a natural tendency for self preservation and feel reluctant to go all out serving the Lord. But if we really love God we will not hesitate to even to lay down our lives for the sake of the Gospel.'It is more blessed to give than to receive" are words of our Lord Jesus himself. IPeter4:10]

God has promised His power and authority to us [ Luke10:19] and has also given us a commission." Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead and cast out devils. Freely you have received, freely give"[Mat10:8] This is a donation.

The talents and gifts we have are from God. We are expected to Donate them to him. We received them to serve God and others with it.

When I meditated on the above, my heart raised a payer to the Lord, who loved us so much: Lord, everything we have are given by you freely. Help us to donate them to you, to serve others in your name without grudging.

I also sang the little chorus. I meant what I sang:
All that I have,
All that I am
All I shall ever be,
Cannot repay the love that I owe,
I surrender to Thee.

I wish you too will sing it along with me!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Life's Purpose--2

" Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is- His good, pleasing and perfect will."[Romans 12:2]

Knowing that we have to aspire, is not enough for a Christian. A formation has to take place. Formation denotes, a process of being made.

As we grow in our life in Christ, a transformation has to happen . We are to be formed according to the divine plan, to be like Jesus . This plan that God has for each of us is nothing but the best. To follow the example of Jesus, is the best way to conform to God's plan for us, as He was the only perfect one led by the Holy spirit.

" I have given you an example and you should do as I have done to you" [John13:5] said Jesus to his disciples after He washed their feet. It is an example of humility and servant hood. Such a character should be formed in us.

No doubt it is easily said than done. It is not easy to be holy in every thing we do in this present society we live in. We will be ridiculed and avoided as unsociable prigs. Fearing this sometimes makes us compromise with the world. This hinders our being like Jesus.

When Jesus asks us to do something, He enables us and supplies His grace in abundance. It is the holy Spirit that helps us in this process. " We all with an open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the spirit of the Lord."[2nd Cor.3:18]

Apostle Peter says the same thing in the following manner. "As obedient children, not fashioning yourselves according to the former lusts in your ignorance, but as He who has called is holy, you be holy in all manner of conversation" [1stPeter1:14,15] [Conversation means our daily dealings.]

This is the transformation that has to take place in each one of us. How ever ugly our nature may be, God is able to make it holy and beautiful like His if we submit to Him. He will renew our minds and make us know His perfect will.

May the holy Spirit transform us to be like Jesus.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Life's Purpose-1

Life is meaningless without a purpose. For some the sole purpose in life is to make money. Some are duty bound. There are others for whom seeking pleasure wherever and whenever possible is all that they look for in life.

It was refreshing for me to learn this morning that for a christian there are three purposes for their life, based on the word of God: Appropriation, formation and donation. All these three have to take place in a Christian's life. It may take place at the same time in different areas of one's life or at different times.

Aspiration is a time of taking in. We should aspire to receive salvation." I will take the cup of salvation and call upon the name of the lord." says the psalmist . [Ps. 116:13]

Instruction is another thing one has to aspire for. " Take hold of instruction; Let her not go; Keep her, for she is your life."[Pr.4:13]

We ought to aspire for divine strength too. With out God's strength we just cannot go on in this life is an experiential truth. Our Lord offers it to us freely:
" Let him take hold of my strength that he may make peace with me and he shall make peace with me."[Is.27:5]

We have to be aware of the opportunities God gives us to be useful in His kingdom. The parable Jesus said about stewardship in Luke 19 tells of the Lord who gave his servants money and told them " Occupy till I come." He is telling the same thing to us, as He bestows gifts to us. We ought to seize that opportunity and gain the resulting blessing for now and eternity.

The greatest of all aspiration is for the water of life ." The Spirit and the bride say come and let him that hear say come and whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely." [Rev.22:17]

When we have such Godly aspirations, I am sure Our Lord will help us to fulfill this part of our purpose in our spiritual growth.

I hope you are blessed by this as I am. May th Lord help us to have the right kind of purpose for our life.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Family Gettogether Is Essential

"For this reason, I kneel before the Father from whom His whole family in heaven and earth derives it's name, that out of His glorious riches He may strengthen you with power, through his Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith.

And I pray that you being rooted and established in love, may have power together with all saints to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ and to know that this love surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God. [Ep.3:14-19]

The above is, St. Paul's much needed prayer for the church family.

Much attention is given to the family these days: Having a family name is considered important. Family roots are being searched. Family time and values are emphasized. Family reunions are celebrated.
With out being a member of a family a family, one will be a loner. It is considered a tragedy if some one is disowned by the family or gets away from his family

As Christians we belong to the family of God. It is such a huge and great family where God is our loving heavenly father! We have the same family name. Our father in heaven promises His love and power to each and every member of this great family.

We know that it is the' word' of our father that created the heaven and the earth. His love made provision for our sins to be pardoned. His everlasting love wants to us to be saved and have eternal security. Such a great father desires to impart his love and power to us His children. That could be attained only by coming together in unity to worship, comprehend his love and grow in it. All who wish to receive this blessing should remain in the family.

It is sad to note that many Christians wish to be loners for various reasons. Those who isolate themselves from the family become losers, devoid of God's love and power.

It is not easy to get along with every one in the church family. It is good to remember that all are in the process of growing up and are liable to falter or hurt. That is why Paul says "God is able to do more than what we ask or think according to His power working in us." [Eph3: 20] He is able to accomplish anything. We should desire to be in His family at any cost so that God's power could work in and through us. His power gives us the ability to be together.

Many members of our great family of God need our prayers and encouragement. Many are going through persecutions for following Christ. We should be in a position to pray for the power of the enemy to be paralysed and deliverance come to our brothers and sisters.

It is time for us to meet with our family to grow in the love of our father and to use His power to bring answers to the seeking , suffering world.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Whom are we serving?

I was taken aback at the remark of a sweet, successful, young lady, after the service one Sunday. 'Do we have to leave our jobs, homes and be in the church all the time? She suddenly asked. This is a girl who always says positive encouraging things! I was troubled why she said so.

The sermon was on serving the Lord. It was evident that she did not understand what is expected of her. So many like her are disillusioned about serving God.

All are expected to serve God. Some are called like the apostles to forsake all and follow Christ. "If any man serve me let him follow me and where I am there shall also my servant be: If any man serve me him will my father honor" [John12:26] What a great reward is promised to the one who serves Christ by following Him! He will be with Christ in eternity and the father will honor him!

How do we serve Christ? We do have our jobs studies and daily tasks to attend to. We are entitled to rest and recreation as well, one may say.

As we go through the day, how, where and with what attitude we engage in our daily activities, show whom we serve. Are we serving ourselves, the devil or Christ? It is a good habit to take a stock of our day, at the end of each day.

Serving self, is being selfish and self centered in our motives, in the things that we do. Engaging ourselves in talking and planning things that are not pleasing to God, is serving the devil. No one can please two masters, is a well known saying.

We may be doing a secular job. If we do it well, as doing a service" unto the Lord and not unto men", [Eph, 6:7] it become a service to God. It will bring glory to God.

Bearing other peoples' burdens, [Galationns6:2] helping them and praying for them are counted as service to God. "As we have therefore opportunities, let us do good unto all men"[Gal.6:10]
It is not the lack of time, but the lack of willingness that prevents people from serving the right master.

When we start doing every thing as though we are doing it to the Lord, He will bring in more opportunities to be a blessing, giving joy to others. There by we will introduce Jesus to them.
Serving the Lord becomes easy and joyful, if 'Self' goes out of us.

May God help us to serve our master the right way, selflessly through out the day.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Thanks Giving.

Most of you would have noticed that I had not posted anything for a few months. The reason is not that there was no inspiration. The Lord never stops talking to any one who seek Him diligently! It was the lack of facility that hindered my writing.

I was away in Sri lanka. It is an island, torn by civil war for many years. Yet there is no peace over there. People are living in uncertainty, fear and danger. Those who trust in the Lord are being over shadowed under His wings. I thank you for praying for me. The Lord was good to me. his protection and provision was with me. He blessed me and made me a blessing to others as well.

Yesterday was Thanks giving day in Canada. It is a good practice to be thankful to parents , friends and all who are good to us, not only on a particular day, but every day!

The word of God says , " Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." [1 Th.5:18]. We ought to give thanks to God at all times, in every thing. It is not easy to do. A contented heart will be able to praise God even when things are bad. There will be no room for complaining, murmuring or fault finding in a heart that is contented .

May God give all of us such a heart, I pray.

Monday, September 22, 2008

The LORD Is My Shepherd

Everyone knows the 23rd Psalm. When some thing that we know becomes a revelation, then we profit from it.

Today the Lord reminded me that He is my shepherd and He is leading me in such away that I lack nothing, spiritually, materially, physically and emotionally. He knows what is best for me to nourish me. So He leads me to that kind of green pastures and still waters that are good for me. I know for sure that He will guide me till the end of my journey.

I understood that the Lord being my shepherd, engineers the circumstances in my life. The people who are around me are placed by the Lord. They are just instruments used by the shepherd to strengthen, to correct and build my character. If I don't feel comfortable with any these, there is no point in complaining or grumbling or questioning about them.

It is true , some times we become dissatisfied with our circumstances or the around us who seem to annoy or hurt us. Then we tend to blame others or ourselves or question God

Jesus is the good shepherd[John10:11]; He is the great shepherd.[Heb.13:20]; He is the chief shepherd.[IstPeter5:4]

For Him to be MY shepherd, I should humble myself to be like a sheep to follow Him where ever He leads me. I can trust Him to lead me in the paths of righteousness alone.

He is the only one who will be with me in death, where no one else can come with me. Isn't it a wonderful thought of comfort and confidence?

Now my prayer is: Lord help me to follow you like a sheep that follows it's shepherd. I understand that to rebel against your leading by complaining, questioning or being hurt, is actually rebelling against my own interests. Help me remember it, when I tend to go my own way or find fault with others or get hurt with the people you have placed in my way.

Monday, July 7, 2008

There Is No Mission Impossible With God.

The way the Holy Spirit speaks and encourages, when we are down, is amazing!

I was praying about a certain thing which seemed very difficult to happen, as it involved changing hearts of some people. Doubts about it come when we do not consider the great power of God. When our relationship with God becomes clouded with anxieties, we tend to forget that God is omnipotent.

This morning , after some anxious night hours and dreams, I said, ' Lord what do you say to me about this situation? ' and opened the bible. I just couldn't believe my eyes when the bible opened to Mark 10th chapter and my eyes fell on the27th verse. " Jesus looking upon them saith, with men it is impossible but not with God: for with God All things are possible".

I was touched by my Lord's loving care for me. I praised Him profusely. It raised my level of faith in Him. He is able to do anything and every thing. If He does not do it, it is for some greater good. We got to trust Him. He is faithful.

I spent some time in God's word. I was strengthened by the following verses: He is able to deliver [Daniel3:17] ; to fulfill all His promises. [Romans4: 21] to subdue all things[Phil.3:21] ; able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think [Ephesians 3:20.] ; able to make his grace abound [2nd Cor9:8] ; to save us to the uttermost[Heb7:25]; and to keep us from falling. [Jude24]

What a mighty God we serve!

Monday, June 23, 2008

The Graduation Day.

My grand daughter's graduation was a great exciting day for me. The beautiful ceremony was very touching. Memories of her first day at school passed before my eyes. At last the day had come to finish her High school days!

I had a gift ready for her. She was very pleased with it. It was a cute standing snoopy dog with a graduation cap and a neat place to tuck in money or a gift card. It will sing to you when it's stomach is pressed. I bought it in states, when she had just started her 11th grade. I had it hidden for her so long . Then it looked as though Iwould have to hold on to it for a very long time. But the time seemed to fly and the day arrived for her to get the gift, I longed to give her. She deserved it too. I can not describe how thrilled she was to get it!

My thoughts went to the gift our lord has prepared for us to reward us on our graduation day. The Bible says,"No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived, what God has prepared for those who love Him" [1Cor. 2:9]. He has decided the date, though we do not know it. It appears so far away, but soon we will be there.

I like the way T.L Moody described his departure from this world for his graduation. He said, "The earth recedes. Heaven opens before me. It is beautiful. It is like a trance. If this is death, it is sweet. God is calling me. I must go. Don't call me back."

At death, his work on earth came to an end. He would have had his graduation reward in heaven! True to his earlier preaching: 'I was born in flesh in 1837, born of the spirit in 1855. That which is born of the spirit shall live for ever', he he went to be with the Lord in 1899.

I wish I too could say like him when my graduation day arrives at last.

How about you?

Monday, June 16, 2008

God's Protection in the Midst of Danger

There were two bomb blasts in Colombo, the capital of Sri Lanka in the month of May. The first was in a bus: My sister and my niece were at that bus stop. Since the bus was getting late and they did not want to be late for the prayer meeting they were going to, they took a taxi and left the place.

About five minutes later, the bomb blast took place. Many waiting for the bus got injured. It was God who preserved my family. The other one happened on the train: My nephew normally returns home on that train after work. That day, he decided to take the later train and he escaped the blast. These people, because of the uncertain, precarious situation in the country, always pray and give themselves to the protection of the almighty God.

I believe that it is God who is keeping them safe.

When I said this to someone, she said, "Oh, they were fortunate" and "It so happened that they decided to take the other course.". Another said "Your people always have such stories.". To them, these are not miracles of protection from God. Some call these coincidences. For God's children, nothing happens by chance or coincidence. When we trust God, Psalm 91 becomes a real daily experience.

"If you make the most high your dwelling, even the Lord, who is my refuge, then no harm will befall you, no disaster will come near your tent." [Psalms 91:9,10]

It is good to remember that God does not promise a world free from danger, but He does promise His help whenever we face danger. When we believe His promises, we will experience His miracles.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Love Knows When to Speak

The trial scene of Jesus before the Sanhedrin, spoke to me of the love of Jesus for everyone. [Mark14:55-65]

There were many false witnesses against Him: The truth that He preached was misrepresented [v. 58], yet Jesus kept silent. Why didn't he speak out and explain what he meant or call one of those whom he healed or followed him, as witnesses? He could have explained that the temple he referred was not the building but his body [v. 58]. It was because his motive was to save all, even those who were against him and jealous of him.

Yet later He answered the high priest's question! I wondered why.

Not answering the fabricated accusations was wiser than trying to clarify them. But if Jesus had refrained from answering the question: "Are you the Christ the son of the blessed?" [v61], it would have been taken as denial of his mission. Jesus not only answered, "I am.", He also predicted a reversal of his role, that one day, He will be judging the world! Yes that day is fast approaching! All of us are waiting for that day... [Rev.20:11-13]

Jesus had the divine wisdom to know when to answer and when not to. His silence for the first time, not exposing the false witnesses who sinned, not knowing what they were doing, would have spoken to them and brought them to repentance later.

His answering the second time established the fact that He was Christ the son of God, the saviour of the world. The answer infuriated the pharisees to condemn him to death, which fulfilled the purpose for which he came to earth.

Our speech or silence should be motivated by love for God and others, regardless of the consequences we may have to face. When we are confronted or falsely accused, to think only of a of a way of escape will be selfish. We should decide whether we want to be popular with man or God.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Are Out Casts Accepted?

I see many kinds of 'out casts' in the world today. People are ostracized, excommunicated, dissociated, or condemned for various reasons: Being born in a low cast family, a particular nationality or race, peculiar life styles, not conforming to the code of conduct or rules, are some of the reasons. Adultery, fornication or criminal activities are other genuine causes. These' cast aways, whether they deserve it or not, definitely feel despised, lonely, sad , bitter and angry. Those who did the casting away too feel hurt and angry.

How did Jesus view such a situation? This question probed my mind. The Bible says that Jesus associated with them. He received the despised sinners, publicans and harlots. He DID NOT approve of their actions but loved them as human beings. That kind of love changed them to be better persons. How do you know this, you may ask:

I saw the healed blind man being excommunicated by the religious leaders for believing in Jesus, who gave him sight. [John. 9;35] Jesus asked the man, 'Do you believe in the son of man?'. When the man knew that Jesus was the ' son of man, he said,' Lord I believe' and worshiped Him.

Then I saw an adulterous woman caught red handed, condemned and ready to be stoned to death according to the law, being brought to Jesus. She went away forgiven and accepted by Jesus. Jesus told her, ' neither do I condemn you. Go and sin no more.'[Luke 7:47]

The most amazing is the acceptance of the dying thief on the cross: Condemned by law, yet he accepted Jesus as the savior who was going to establish a kingdom for the forgiven righteous ones. Jesus did not shun or ignore him . He said " Today you will be in paradise with me.[Luke 23: 43

Jesus received despised sinners, publicans and harlots and loved them unconditionally. He advised them to believe on Jesus as the savior and give up their sinful ways, after being forgiven. The willingness to give up the old ways is very essential for the healing of rejection and hurt.

The condemned and those who cast them away, need Jesus because only he can heal them. He understands them and loves them. He is able to forgive and change them. Even the indifferent ones need Him.

I praised God for the grace He poured on me and accepting me as I was. And I prayed for those who need Him.

Love Your Enemies - Mathew 5:44

One of the hardest teachings of Jesus is "Love your enemies." He set an example by laying down his life for us, who were His enemies.

Who are our enemies?

Our enemies are not some country or people who live far away from us. We find our enemies in our homes, work places and churches. People who hurt us most are those who live close to us. In this fallen world, people whom we thought we could trust most, sometimes let us down. Those we love, hurt us deeply and at that point, or at least for that moment, they have become our enemies. If we are honest enough to admit it, we have become their enemies as well. These people can be your spouse, children, brothers, sisters or the church family.

Christians often hurt each other deeply and repeatedly; then love is lost and they become enemies in their heart.

It is easy to ignore them and go on having the hurt within us. But that will go against Jesus' commission to love and bless them.

How do we love our enemies?

I want to pass on some good advice I heard on the Back to the Bible broadcast, which blessed me:
1. Greet them graciously without avoiding them.
2. Disarm them by doing good to them.
3. Refuse to speak evil of them, as words have power. [Prov.18:21]
4. Stop talking of what they have done and start forgiving them.
5. Thank God for them. Your enemy is sent to you by God's design and with his approval, to bring something good out of it.
6. Pray for them. They need your prayers more than anyone else. If you hate them tell that also to God.
7. Ask God to bless them: Whatever blessings you are asking for yourself, ask for your enemies too.

When we pray like that the pressure goes off. We have done exactly what Jesus has asked us to do. Thus, if we release our enemies, we will be set free from our anger and bitterness. We will be able to love our enemies.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Weighed And Found Wanting

"Weighed and found wanting" is a sad and hopeless pronouncement to be heard from heaven.

Belshazzar, the king of Babylon lacked nothing. He had health, wealth and happiness. While having a great feast, he forgot the creator God and praised the gods of gold, silver, bronze, iron, wood and stone. Suddenly, he was terrified to see the fingers of a human hand appear and write something on a wall. None of the sooth sayers could explain it. Only Daniel, who served the living God, was able to read and give the meaning of the writing. [Daniel 5:1-10]

"Mene, mene, Tekel, Parsin.", were the words of the writing. Daniel read them and gave the meaning: He said, God has numbered the days of your reign and brought it to an end; you have been weighed on the scale and found wanting; Your kingdom is divided and given to the Medes and Persians.

Those things did happen. It was because he forgot to humble himself and give glory to the living God, who had done a great miracle in his family. Knowing God's greatness, he did not honor Him.

I pondered over the words, "Weighed and found wanting". We are also weighed by the same God all the time. The standard weight on the scale is Jesus. Any other will be counted as false weight and will not be accepted.

We are called to reach the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ. [Ephesians 4:13]

As the measuring is done some things have to be taken off and some must be added.

All the necessary instructions are given in God's word. If we take heed and observe them, we will hear the praise, "well done", instead of "found wanting".

I lifted a simple prayer: "Lord teach me your ways and help me obey."

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Our God is Able to Change Anyone

The other day, I thought of some of my past failures and those of my family. I know for sure the Lord has forgiven and forgotten them. It was the enemy's scheme to bring it up to torment my mind.

Just a look at the Lord, in my mind, was enough to get an answer from Him to calm my mind. I have learned by experience to "nip things in the bud". Give a little room to the enemy, he will take full charge of things and it becomes fatal to the spiritual life. So I told my concern to Jesus.

The Lord reminded me of His mercy and justice through the story of Manasseh, the most wicked of the kings of Judah. He not only did abominable things in the sight of God and went away from God, but he also led the whole nation of God astray. [2nd Chronicles 33]

God had to correct him. God's punishment was severe: It was defeat and exile in the hands of the Assyrians. It was really a hopeless situation.

God showed justice to to him in warning and punishing him. Yet, He showed mercy and changed him when he repented.

The Bible records: "The king in his distress sought the favor of the Lord: He humbled himself greatly before the Lord God of his fathers. When he prayed, the Lord was moved by his entreaty and listened to his plea. So He brought him back to Jerusalem and to his kingdom. Then Manassah knew that the Lord is God". [2nd Chronicles 33:12, 13.]

That is the mercy of God!

Until death, no one is beyond the reach of God's forgiveness. Our merciful God is able to change any one who comes to Him with repentance, through Jesus Christ.

I want to praise God for His mercy today. I pray with faith that He will change all those who need a change of heart and nature, in my family.

Friday, May 30, 2008

Be A Victor, Not A Victim

"Be self controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him standing firm in the faith, because you know that your brothers through out the world are undergoing the same kind of suffering.

And the God of Grace, who called you to His eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while will himself restore you and make you strong , firm and steadfast."
1st Peter5:8-10

This is great advice given by Peter, the apostle of Jesus Christ!

Peter knew what it was to be tempted by the enemy, to fail, to repent and to be restored by the Lord. We know how mightily he was used of God after that.

He compares the devil to a lion which roars to frighten his prey. The lions attack the sick, young or staggering animals. They choose their victims who are alone and not alert. Peter warns us not to be careless and focused on problems; that is when we become vulnerable. We need not be scared of the lions threats by roaring. We are to stand firm on the faith. During times of suffering, seek the the support of other Christians. Don't be alone or be self confident. Feeling alone, helpless and cut off from other believers, we may focus on the problem, give in to self pity and fall into the trap of the enemy.

We are to resist the devil, standing firm on the faith. Then, "he will flee", as James said [James 4:7]

The suffering is not going to last long. The Lord will soon restore and make us strong. The night will pass and the morning will come soon bringing joy and light. Remember: We have the victory through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Jesus Prayed for Peter!

"Simon, Simon, Satan has asked to sift you as wheat. But I have prayed for you Simon, that your Faith may not fail. and when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers."
Luke 22:31-32.

It was encouraging and comforting to read the above verse this morning.

It is true that, as Jesus predicted, Peter failed and denied Jesus because he relied in his own strength to stand firm in the faith. When he repented, he was not only restored [Luke 22:54-62; John 21:15-19]; he became a great leader and an apostle. He became a bold and daring witness for Jesus. [ Acts Acts 2:41]

I thought that the Lord was reminding me, that the enemy is out to destroy our faith. The things that are happening around us today, are attacks of Satan; The new theories introduced in movies, media, books and talks are aimed to rob the faith that Christians have in Jesus as the Lord and Saviour of the world.

We are also being sifted like wheat. The chaff, which has no grain in it , will be blown away, when the sifting takes place. Jesus has already prayed for us too, that our faith should not fail. So we need not allow ourselves to be tossed to and fro by every wind of doctrine or be blown away altogether. That confidence is enough to defeat the enemy.

I thought of the Christians who are going through religious persecutions in some parts of the world. Like Jesus, we are to pray for them to have strength. They are brothers and sisters.

Maybe some of us have failed. Be encouraged. Our loving God is waiting to restore anyone who repents. He will strengthen and enable us to strengthen others. What a great God we have!

I thanked God for the revelation, that Jesus prayed for us and is still interceding for each one of us.

Monday, May 26, 2008

The Salt of The Earth

"Salt is good, but if it loses it's saltiness, how can you make it salty again? Have salt in yourselves, and be at peace with each other."
Mark 5:50

These were the words of Jesus Christ, the prince of peace. He also said, "You are the salt of the earth." There seems to be a close connection between having peace and being salt.

Jesus paved the way for us to be reconciled with God, by helping us to remove the sin that separates us from the Holy God. When we repent for our sins and decide to live for Christ, we become born again. This act brings peace with God and peace within us. We begin to grow like Jesus. Then we are expected to be salt in society and be a positive influence.

Salt prevents decay, preserves, gives flavour and promotes life and growth. In order to be a good positive influence around us, peace with others is essential.

I like to quote what St. Paul wrote in Romans 12:16 to 18: "Live in harmony with one another. Do not be proud, but willing to associate with people of low position. Do not be conceited. Do not repay evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of every body. If possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with every one."

I see that it is pride that prevents us to ask for forgiveness and to forgive? Having humility helps us to be at peace with everyone. We cannot be salt in our society, which the Lord expects from us, unless we desire to please God and not our 'Self.'

I realized that I have to work much in this area. I am sure that many others too need to change. I asked the Lord for strength and grace for all of us.

If each one of us take this to heart and act on it, this world will a better place to live and God's name will be glorified.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Danger! Run for Protection!

"He shall cover you with His feathers, under His wings shall you trust. His truth shall be your shield and buckler"
Psalms 91:4

I remembered an interesting scene I witnessed, when I was a child in the countryside: A mother hen and her brood of about twenty or more chicken were having a cool time in the sun. The chicks were running all over the garden fearlessly, learning to get food and playing too. Suddenly, the mother hen made a noise. Immediately, all the chickens ran from wherever they were and hid under the hen's wings. Somehow the hen's two wings hid all the chickens and I could not spot a single one of them. The chicks were hidden under the wings till the danger passed. As a hawk flew away from the area, the mother hen let the chicks out of her wings into the open again. The little chicks hid themselves because of the warning signal the mother bird gave. The little ones understood it and knew what to do.

Above them, the hawk flew round and round, at times stooping down and then going up. It was aiming to get the chicks. The hen knew the danger and hid the chicks under her wings, where they rested safely and comfortably under the soft feathers! Had any one of the chicks turned a deaf ear to the mother's warning, that one would have been prey to the hawk that day!

The verse above compares the protection our Lord desires to give us, to that of the mother hen.

There are so many dangers waiting to prey on us in this world. The danger alerts are in the word of God. The Holy spirit too, warns us. Only those who heed the warning and act on it, will be safe from danger. Some may think lightly of it and not listen. Others may not want to obey and run for protection. Others still, may seek protection in the wrong places. They will be the losers.

There is protection, safety, provision and security, along with tenderness in the Lord. It is a place we can run to, when we fear. We could rest there in perfect peace of mind and contentment in the midst of the wickedness of this sin cursed world.

Lord help us to discern your voice and obey. May your truth be our shield and buckler.

Friday, May 9, 2008

The Sun, Moon and Stars Reflect the Constancy of God

Recently, my family gave me a surprise party for my 75th birthday. All the wishes and memories of incidents were collected from my loved ones and given to me as a token of love. A few sentences from one of my granddaughter's wishes caught my attention and made me glad.

She wrote: "...You are like a super hero. Your super power being... Constant? Constantly waking up grand daughters! Constantly making food, packing food, ... constantly praying, reading the bible, constantly being awesome! ..." It was a great tribute to me.

I thought of the divine constancy in the love God shows to us. Whatever we do to hurt Him, His love remains constant.

I always admired the constancy of the sun, moon and stars. From the day God created them, till today they continue to perform the delightful, beneficial duty they were made to do! [Gen1:14-18]

The Lord has something to tell us at every occasion: "You are called to be lights in the world", He reminded me. [Mt.5:14 ] Are you spreading the light God has given you through your words, deeds and right attitude in this world full of darkness? Are you being constant in that? I could only answer: "I am trying. Please help me."

The glamourous modern theory of only having faith in yourself and not having faith in God spreads the darkness of doubt and skepticism speedily in the present world. Will your light shine to show God's constant love during this period of grace? The Bible says that eventually, the door of grace will be shut, then it will be too late.

Having the right relationship with Jesus, who is the light will help us shine for Him. [John.1:4]

Lord help us to shine for you and be constant at all times, is my prayer for today.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

The Negative Effects of Worrying

Everyone knows the ill effects of worry. Here are some that I read recently:

Jesus tells us not to worry about the needs that God has promised to supply, because of the adverse effects of worrying. [Mat.6:31-34] Yet people worry!
  • Worry will damage both your physical and mental health.
  • It will cause the object of your worry to consume your thoughts.
  • It will disrupt your productivity.
  • It will negatively affect the way you treat others.
  • It will adversely affect your emotions.
  • Worry will reduce your ability to trust in God.
[Taken from the Life Application Study Bible]

How many ill effects of worry you are experiencing today? Isn't it better to banish worry altogether and trust God?

Some confuse worry and concern. Here is the difference between worry and genuine concern: Worry immobilizes, but concern moves you to action. We should be concerned and not neglect matters of importance. We shouldn't worry about them and do nothing about it.

In Mathew 6:25-34, seven reasons are given not to worry:
1. The same God who created life in you can be trusted with the details of your life. [v.25]
2. Worrying about the future hampers your efforts for today. [v.26]
3. Worrying is more harmful than helpful. [v27]
4. God does not ignore those who depend on him. [v28-30]
5. Worry shows a lack of faith and understanding of God. [v31-32]
6. There are real challenges God wants us to pursue and worrying keeps us from them. [v.33]
7. Living one day at a time keeps us from being consumed with worry. [v.34]
[Taken from the Life Application Study Bible]

Since God's word is true, we can never fail when we live by it.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

The Carefree Life

Early morning, my eyes caught a very beautiful sight: Two white pigeons, seated comfortably at the edge of the tallest building in our area, unconcerned about what was going on around them; the heavy traffic on the highway or people going in and out of the crematorium below, the morning news of global warming, war, famine or the rise in the oil price did not interfere with their serene enjoyment of peace.

I remembered a comic I read sometime back: One robin was asking the other: "Why do the humans rush around worried most of the time?" The second robin's answer was, "Perhaps they do not have a heavenly father who feeds and cares for them, like ours!". It is amusing, but we do worry like that! That seems to be the human tendency.

It's no wonder that Jesus, in Mathew 6:25-27, said: "Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life; what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, body more important than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; They do not sow or reap or store away in barns, yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?". What a timely question for our present day!

According to Jesus, the ones who worry are the pagans, who do not know the true God or those who do not believe in the promise of the the omnipotent God. Jesus added that your heavenly father KNOWS that you have needs. But seek FIRST His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. [Mat.6:33] What a great promise!

Why don't we give it a try and benefit from it? Once we decide to give all our needs for today and the future into His hands, we will experience him as a promise keeping God.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Whose Side Are You On?

Most of us try to have God on our side. We want to do things to please Him; go to church and do many Religious works, just to please God and to keep him on our side. We know, if God be for us no one or thing can be against us.

I heard someone asking: "Are you on God's side?". If I am on His side, then sure He will be on my side. What makes me or marks me as being on God's side?

Jesus said, 'Thine they were and thou gave them to me; and they have kept thy word" [John 17:6] Keeping God's word in truth is very essential.

Lord Jesus makes His disciples His own possession. He expects us to remain in that position. Then God's claim comes first: "He that loves his father or mother more than me; He that loves son or daughter more than me, is not worthy of me" [Mat.10:37]. Whatever we do will be to maintain a right relationship with love. Then we will be a perfect delight to Him. We will be entirely His. He is a loving God who delights to Bless those who are entirely His.

Lord, I desire to be a delight to you. Lead me and help me to become what you want me to be, is my prayer today.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Are We To Welcome Storms?

"Awake , north wind, and come south wind! Blow on my garden, that it's fragrance may spread abroad. Let my lover come into His garden and taste it's choice fruits."
Song of Solomon 4:16

This is supposed to be what the bride is saying of her beloved. It is a comparison to us the bride [the church] and Jesus Christ.

The interesting thing is, the bride is calling the opposing North and the South wind to blow, so that the flowers and the fruits get crushed and the fragrance will come out to please her lover.

Clashing of winds is not a pleasant experience. Yet only those bring out the fruit and the sweetness of our nature which God expects to see in us.

I was wondering how many of us will welcome such crushing experiences? Whether we invite them or not, they do come. When we face them, do the fruit of the spirit of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness and self control come out of us? [Gal. 5:22] Most of the time we wish that we escape misunderstandings, unkindness, abuse, expressions of anger, insults, etc. It is easy to exhibit self pity, hatred, bitterness, complaining and murmuring. Sometimes we even start doubting and questioning God.

God allows us to go through such breaking experiences to make us strong and to develop the natures [fruits], He desires us to possess.

Through these testing times, we learn more than we would in any other situation. These are growing times as we learn the extent of our own commitment, weakness and utter dependence on God.

It is comforting to know that during such times we can call on God for His strength to endure the trials and temptations that we face and ask for the wisdom to learn from it. God is faithful; He will strengthen us to posses all the qualities that are expected of His bride.

May God lead us according to His way and help us to learn from Him.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Looking to God is the Best Solution

"Therefore I will look unto the Lord. I will wait for the Lord of my salvation. My Lord will hear me."
-Micah 7:7

The days that Micah lived in were very much like our days. He could not find an upright person anywhere in the land. [Mi.7:1-4] Even today, uprightness (honesty, integrity) is difficult to find. Society rationalizes sin and even Christians sometimes compromise Christian principles in order to do what they want. It is easy to convince ourselves that we deserve a few breaks, especially when everyone else is doing it. They fail to realize that the standard for honesty comes from God, not from society. We are to be honest because God is truth, and we are to be like Him.

Micah sets a good example for us. Instead of being depressed, argumentative or revolting, he showed great faith in God. He knew that God hears and saves when help is needed; God will bring his people through when times are tough. Israel [the people of his country] must be patient in punishment, because God would bring them out of darkness and their enemies would be punished.

Don't we see shocking things happening around us? What about the vandalism in the streets to celebrate a victory? There were some who thought it to be not too bad! The sense of right and wrong seems to be disappearing. Doesn't this make us fear for the future of our children? I think what Micah said is a timely example to follow.

We too can have confidence like Micah's. It does not take unusual talent. It simply takes faith in God and a willingness to act on that faith.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Dancing in True Worship

We had a beautiful service on Sunday with songs, lifting up of hands, rejoicing and dancing, which was Biblical [Ps149:3; 150:4; Ex.15:20; 11Sam.6:14]. While most of the people were dancing, there were a few who were quietly praising and singing, even raising their hands but not dancing. I was one of them.

Why did the few not join in the dancing? Were they shy? Or think it was unholy? A cultural difference perhaps? As for me, I am not used to dancing. In my days and culture, dancing was not part of worship. I was also wondering if all those who danced so joyfully, were doing it in the spirit: In every party they dance. Dancing is part of the culture of Canada and the west. Was their worship genuine? In the presence of God, the attitude should be Holy. The critical thoughts of those who refrained from dancing may have polluted the Holy atmosphere and the presence of God would have been hindered! There would not have been perfect unity in the worship! Somehow the enemy wants to spoil the true worship of our great God!

The Lord led me to read Psalms 95 the next morning. It was a call to worship. The last verse speaks of hardening of the heart. A hardened heart will be a thankless, complaining heart. It will not be able to worship the Holy God. The Lord loves genuine, holy, joyful, worship from humble hearts.

Our heart could become hardened because of unanswered prayer, pride, criticism, stubbornness, ungratefulness and a lack of humility. Hardening the heart is dangerous. We will not be able to enter into the rest. [Heb.3:13] I recalled the warning given in Hebrews 4:4-11.

I prayed that whichever way we worship, help us to be genuine in seeking the presence of the Holy God in humility and be blessed by Him to be a blessing to others.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Buffet of Promises

This morning, the Lord reminded me that there are so many promises we could hold on to in times of need. You too, may help yourself and be benefited by them. Here are some that encourage me:

"Listen to me ... you whom I have upheld since you were conceived and have carried since your birth. Even to your old age and gray hairs, I am He. I am He who will sustain you, I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you."
-Isaiah 46:3-4

Isn't His love so enduring and endearing that He gives me the assurance that He will care for me through out my lifetime and even through death?

It is amazing that the one who is giving this promise is the Lord God of the universe! "This is what the Lord says, Your redeemer who formed you in your womb, I am the Lord who who has made all things, who alone stretched out the heavens, who spread out the earth by myself" [Isa.44:24]

I was happy that I have accepted his Love for me. I believe His promise. It gives me comfort, confidence and security.

I prayed: "Do not cast me away when I am old. Do not forsake me when my strength is gone" [Ps.71:9]. Also, Lord may all those who have not intimately known you yet come to you before it is too late. May all your children learn to enjoy the variety of promises you have given us.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Recipe for Constant Joyfulness

I heard a teaching from the book of Philippians today. St. Paul, who said: "Rejoice in the Lord always, again I say rejoice." [Phil.4:4], did not just say it. He really experienced that kind of joy in his life.
The unbecoming conduct of some Christians, some preaching the Gospel for selfish reasons and lack of unity among the Christians were troubling him. Besides all this, he was in prison. These factors could have killed anyone's joy, but not Paul's. Instead, he taught them that their life should be worthy of the gospel, they should realize that they are all working for the same cause, eliminate disunity and have clean hands and pure hearts.

To have that kind of joy all the time, we should learn to take the bad things in life and turn it for good. In the midst of a problem, don't focus on the problem, focus on the good thing that came out of it [Phil.1:15-19]. Look at the people who are praying for you. These things will give us joy, advised Paul.

I realized how true it is. There are times when we do not want to tell our problems because it may paint a bad picture about others who are involved in it. Or for fear of publicity we may not want to confide in someone and carry the burden all alone. such an incident took place a few weeks back and my heart was far from rejoicing.

Then, my sister from Sri Lanka,called and said that two people from a powerful prayer group inquired from her about me. They had said that they were urged to pray for me. My sister did not take it that seriously as she knew that I was in good health. When she told me about this, though the problem which weighed me down remained the same, an unspeakable joy came to me. The thought that the Lord raised up people who do not know anything about me, to pray for me, gave me a fresh love for the Lord.

The Lord understood what I was going through inside. The thought that He was working on the matter I was praying about and that He cares for me, revived me. An inexplicable kind of joy filled me. Without thinking, I began to sing a chorus I knew:
"All that I have is in Jesus, He satisfies, Joy He supplies, Life will be worthless without him. All things in Jesus I find."

Don't you think that we have a loving, understanding, wonderful, almighty God?

Thursday, April 10, 2008

What's in a Day Date or Name?

A few weeks ago there was a lot of controversy going on about the correct date, day and the name Easter. No one can dispute the fact that Christ died, taking our punishment upon himself, on the cross and rose again on the third day. This is a historical fact. It remains true whether anyone believes it or not.

All that is expected of us is to believe it, call upon Him, avail ourselves of the forgiveness He offers, lead righteous lives in this world and be assured of eternity with Him.
All other things attached to Easter are accessories. The Easter eggs, the bunnies and lilies have only commercial value.

Church services help us to meditate worship and draw near to God. The bottom line is: Do I believe that Jesus died for me? Do I believe that Jesus rose from the dead? Do I believe that He is alive today? These are unique to Christianity alone.

Believing these will make a difference in our lives.The risen Jesus will love us, save us and bless us, if we worship him in spirit and in truth.

The resurrection of Jesus from the dead is a proven fact. If you are not sure of it, it is important that you make sure. There is a lot of evidence: Acts 10:40-41; Rom. 1:4 ; the Gospels. Just joining the crowd in discussion or being carried away by the commercialization, is a waste of time. We've got to benefit from the truth and and the Gospel of Christ.

Easter is over. It was just a day to remember Christ's victory over death. For a believer in Jesus Christ, everyday is a day of resurrection.

These thoughts bring me to pray that the risen Jesus will keep us pure, holy and open the eyes of those who are unable to accept the truth.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Charged for the Day with the Powerful Name

"When nothing works, try the name of Jesus.", is a true saying. The name of Jesus is above every other name.

I studied why it is so:

His name shall be called Jesus. Luke 1:3
His name is power ... the mighty God. Isa. 9:6
His name is peace: The Prince of Peace. Isa.9:6
His name gives forgiveness. Luke 24:47
His name is above every other name. Phil.2:9
His name gives life. John 20:31
His name is healing. Acts 3:6, 16. [I recall my many personal healings I received]
His name is deliverance. Acts 16: 18

The name of Jesus is able to break every stronghold within us; It has power to set free every captive.

Today I hold on to the promise
"What so ever you shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the father may be glorified in the son" [John14:13]

I know from experience it works. So, Jesus, I call on your holy name to answer my prayers today.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Praise Casts Out The Spirit of Heaviness

Praise is the antidote for being depressed and heavy. How to praise and for what to praise, when you are sad, you may wonder. This morning, I was in very low spirits. People's actions, words, attitudes, disapproval, rejections and disappointments can easily be joy killers. I am glad our Lord does not want us to remain in that state. This is how I got over it:

First, I tried to read the Bible and pray but my mind revolved around things that happened and were going to happen. Remembering a Sunday school song, "Just a little talk with Jesus makes it right!", I told Jesus all that I felt. He reminded me of a verse from Isaiah 61:3. I read it a few times:

"To appoint unto those who mourn in Zion to give beauty for ashes, oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; that they might be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, that He might be glorified."

God's word combined with prayer worked a miracle. The Lord, within minutes, took my heaviness completely from me. I was able to praise Jesus for what He did on the cross for me, to make me accepted by God. If the Almighty God loves and accepts me what does it matter if others consider me not worthy enough to be in their function? All the feeling of hurt left me. I sang I am free. Thank you Jesus you have done it all for me.

I was able to pray the following for the wedding party with sincere love:

Lord, bless the couple, embarking the new boat, in the sea of life today, starting a a new family, keep them under the shadow of your wings. Protect them from every storm and strife of tongues, as they busy them selves in your service. Help them discern what is right.

May love for You and for each other fill their hearts. May they understand others' views. Use them to bring healing to hurting hearts.

Bless the Pastor who is uniting them. May his heart be free from hurts and offenses, so that your blessings flow from his prayers to the trusting couple.

Bless the loving, trusting, followers as they sing your praises to bless the couple this morning.


Thursday, April 3, 2008

God has Set Eternity in the Hearts of Men

"God has made every thing beautiful in it's time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; Yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to the end."
Ecclesiastes 3:11, said by King Solomon, who lacked nothing in this world.

This means we are never going to be satisfied with earthly pleasures and pursuits. Because we are created in God's image, we have a spiritual thirst. We have eternal value and nothing but the eternal God can satisfy us.

"He has built in us a restless yearning for the kind of perfect world that can only be found in a perfect rule. He has given us a glimpse of of the perfection of his creation. But it is only a glimpse, we cannot see into the future or comprehend every thing. So we must trust Him now and do his work on earth." [From the Life application study bible]

I find this quite true. I don't think any one could deny or debate it. God has, in a simple way, stipulated how we ought to live; in His word and how his kingdom will be established in our hearts. As we implicitly obey whatever He says, things will become clear. Submission and obedience are essential for spiritual growth. Till we reach the character of God, which is His image, no one or nothing else can satisfy us.

Holy spirit, our helper, guide us till we reach that stage, is my prayer today.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Hope Deferred Makes the Heart Sick

A few nights ago, after a prayer meeting, what one of the brothers said, set me thinking: He was going to bring a common friend, from the depressed peoples' home for a day, as he had no place to go to. "What a good Samaritan!", I thought.

This sick person, was a good Christian with a lovely family. What happened to him? His family said that he was violent, but this brother did not think so. Is it a case of Christians behaving differently at home from how they behave outside? Such double faced Christians bring shame to Christ and His cause. They are not Christians, though they call themselves so. What do I know. Who am I to judge?

There seems to be an increase in people becoming depressed or going insane suddenly. Daily, we hear of inexplicable crimes and shootings by the young and old. People getting depressed, harming others or committing suicide has become very common. "What is happening to mankind??", I wondered!

This morning I had a Bible verse: "Hope deferred makes the heart sick."[Pro13:12]. The hearts of people become sick, bringing mental and physical sicknesses upon them. How could this be prevented?

Hope is a good thing. Hope has no limits. Every imagination can become a hope, even if it a bad one. If what is hoped for is something good, which is God's will, it will materialize. If it doesn't, then a God fearing person will know, that "all things work together for the good of those who love the Lord and are called according to his purpose." He will not become depressed about it, which may lead to detrimental consequences. When we have such faith, whether the thing we hope for happens or not, we will be able to go on in life, knowing that is not the end of the world.

Tomorrow is another day. I am God's. He is mine. He has reserved the best for me. May we all have such wisdom, is my prayer.